Catering Cling Wrap Ivanhoe

Biogone’s landfill-biodegradable catering cling wrap in Ivanhoe emerges as the ideal choice for eco-conscious culinary businesses.

Our large rolls of cling wrap not only provide practical solutions for food preservation but are also a better choice for the environment

Biodegradation and Environmental Benefits

Biogone’s landfill-biodegradable catering cling wrap biodegrades 90% faster compared to conventional plastic cling wrap when disposed of in landfills.

What’s more, it leaves behind nothing but organic matter, which serves as a natural fertiliser, enriching the soil. The best part? No microplastics are left behind, ensuring a cleaner, healthier environment.

Cling Film Wrap Ivanhoe, Size Options

Biogone understands that not all catering needs are the same. To cater to various food items and portions, our catering cling wrap is available in multiple size options. You can choose from the following:

  • 330mm x 600m: Ideal for wrapping smaller food items or portions
  • 450mm x 600m: A versatile size that accommodates a wide range of culinary needs
  • 450mm x 1200m: Perfect for larger quantities or bigger dishes, ensuring you’re well-equipped for any event

Thickness for Durability

Our cling wrap is designed to provide superior strength and durability. At 10 microns thick, it provides a sturdy barrier for your items, keeping your food fresh and intact during transportation and storage.

Commercial Cling Film Ivanhoe

Our landfill-biodegradable catering cling wrap is crafted to meet the specific needs of commercial kitchens. It can withstand the rigours of a bustling kitchen, making it the perfect choice for sealing and preserving your prepared dishes.

Whether you’re wrapping sandwiches for a corporate luncheon or protecting trays of delicate pastries, our food wrapper from Ivanhoe has you covered.

Stainless Steel Blade Cutter for Precision

Each box of Biogone’s landfill biodegradable cling wrap from Ivanhoe comes equipped with a stainless steel blade cutter. This cutter ensures precise and effortless cutting, making the process quick and convenient.

With our cling wrap and its integrated cutter, you can maintain the professional presentation of your dishes.

Food Grade Approved for Safety

Our catering cling wrap is food-grade approved, guaranteeing that it is safe for direct contact with food. You can use it to wrap sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, and various other items without any concern for food contamination.

Microwave and Freezer Safe for Versatility

Biogone’s catering cling wrap in Ivanhoe is designed to meet the demands of modern catering operations. It is microwave-safe, allowing you to conveniently reheat food items without the need to transfer them to different containers.

This feature saves time and minimises waste. Additionally, our cling wrap is freezer-safe, ensuring your dishes remain fresh during extended storage periods.

BPA-Free for Your Health

Our catering cling wrap is entirely BPA-free, meaning that it does not contain harmful bisphenol-A, a chemical commonly found in plastics. This guarantees that your food remains free from potentially harmful chemicals, maintaining the integrity of your dishes and the well-being of your customers.

Biodegradable Cling Film, Ivanhoe

Biogone makes it simple to order the right cling film wrap for your catering needs. Our product codes provide clear information to ensure you receive the precise product you require. From rolls to cartons, our product codes include:

  • BGCR633-1: ROLL Cling Wrap 33cm x 600m – Catering Pack, Landfill Biodegradable, 10um, Clear, PE, BPA Free, Includes Cutter
  • BGCR633: CARTON Cling Wrap 33cm x 600m – Catering Pack, Ctn of 6 Rolls, Landfill Biodegradable, 10um, Clear, PE, BPA Free, Includes Cutter
  • BGCR645-1: ROLL Cling Wrap 45cm x 600m – Catering Pack, Landfill Biodegradable, 10um, Clear, PE, BPA Free, Includes Cutter
  • BGCR645: CARTON Cling Wrap 45cm x 600m – Catering Pack, Ctn of 6 Rolls, Landfill Biodegradable, 10um, Clear, PE, BPA Free, Includes Cutter
  • BGCR1245: Cling Wrap 45cm x 1200m – catering pack, Landfill-biodegradable, clear, PE, BPA free

Caterers Wrap Ivanhoe

Biogone’s catering cling wrap in Ivanhoe is your trusted supplier in ensuring food freshness and safety while upholding environmental responsibility. With our products being shipped all around Australia, they are loved by caterers everywhere.

Shop online with us today or contact us if you have any questions or concerns and our friendly team is happy to help.

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The logical choice for your everyday plastic products

We believe if single-use plastic must be used then it should be made to be recyclable or to biodegrade where it
will be disposed of – in a landfill, commercial or home compost facility.

The Logical
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We offer the logical solution with landfill-biodegradable or home compostable everyday plastic products. Some of our
products are made from 100% recycled plastic, and others with plant based materials. They can be reused, most can be
recycled, and it all biodegrades into organic matter producing a natural fertiliser (and no microplastics).

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Landfill-Biodegradable Explained

Biogone’s Promise

Champion environmental sustainability, by reducing the impact of every day plastic waste in landfill.

Drive product innovation through science and technology, in a fast moving and ever evolving plastic industry.

Through our work and innovation, we position ourselves as the logical choice, and category leader in landfill-biodegradable plastic.

In everything we do and communicate, we are committed to providing a solution to the waste sector and to the environment.

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