Safety Gloves for Chemicals

Explore Biogone’s chemical-resistant gloves for superior hand protection for lab analysis and research environments. Crafted with a focus on safety, these gloves are engineered to withstand exposure to a variety of chemicals, ensuring a secure barrier for your hands. Discover Biogone’s collection today for dependable and long-lasting chemical-resistant gloves that emphasise both functionality and safety.

Our nitrile gloves, resistant to chemicals, are designed to be eco-smart. Offering excellent protection without compromising dexterity, shop our Biogone range online today.

Gloves For Working With Chemicals

Nitrile gloves resistant to chemicals are a form of protective handwear meticulously crafted to provide a heightened level of protection against diverse chemicals, oils, solvents, and other potentially harmful substances. Constructed from nitrile, a synthetic rubber glove compound renowned for its exceptional chemical resistance and durability, these safety gloves ensure reliable defence for hands.

Gloves in Chemistry Lab – What To Look For In A Glove

Selecting the right gloves for a chemistry lab is paramount to ensuring both safety and functionality. When considering gloves for a chemistry lab, it’s crucial to prioritise materials that offer chemical resistance, protecting hands from potentially harmful substances.

  • Look for gloves made from durable and flexible materials, such as nitrile, that strike a balance between vigorous protection and tactile sensitivity.
  • The safety gloves should fit snugly to minimise the risks of exposure while allowing for dexterity in handling delicate instruments and samples.
  • Opt for a glove with textured surfaces for a secure grip.

By carefully considering these factors, one can choose gloves that meet the specific needs of a chemistry lab, providing a reliable barrier against chemicals while maintaining practical usability.

Gloves for Chemical Handling

Biogone’s nitrile gloves, specifically engineered as resistant gloves for chemical work and exposure are used across a wide array of various industries, such as chemistry labs, healthcare, automotive, and manufacturing. These gloves serve a crucial role in workplaces where employees may be exposed to corrosive material or hazards like chemicals, offering strong protection.

Additionally, these gloves are great at protecting the hands against oil and grease exposure, making them an ideal choice for tasks involving these substances. Whether used in a chemistry lab or other industrial settings, Biogone’s chemical-resistant gloves in Australia not only ensure the wearer’s safety but also deliver enhanced flexibility and tactile sensitivity for an optimal user experience.

Nitrile Gloves for Chemical Use

Perfect for laboratory tasks and managing chemicals and solvents, our nitrile gloves are available in a range of sizes and lengths tailored to your requirements. Explore the following options in our shop:

Protect Your Hands with Biogone Gloves for Chemical Use

Gloves for handling chemicals and protecting your hands from potential risk are crucial when working around abrasive liquids or solvents. Using Biogone’s nitrile chemical-resistant gloves is key in ensuring the safety of your hands when dealing with a range of substances.

Discover our selection of nitrile gloves, featuring advanced tear and puncture-resistant technology. These safety gloves provide versatility and are well-suited for a diverse range of lab analysis tasks.

Discover the full Biogone collection today. To learn more about our chemical resistant gloves, please visit our website, contact us via email at, or give us a call at 03 9676 9518.

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We believe if single-use plastic must be used then it should be made to be recyclable or to biodegrade where it
will be disposed of – in a landfill, commercial or home compost facility.

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We offer the logical solution with landfill-biodegradable or home compostable everyday plastic products. Some of our
products are made from 100% recycled plastic, and others with plant based materials. They can be reused, most can be
recycled, and it all biodegrades into organic matter producing a natural fertiliser (and no microplastics).

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Champion environmental sustainability, by reducing the impact of every day plastic waste in landfill.

Drive product innovation through science and technology, in a fast moving and ever evolving plastic industry.

Through our work and innovation, we position ourselves as the logical choice, and category leader in landfill-biodegradable plastic.

In everything we do and communicate, we are committed to providing a solution to the waste sector and to the environment.

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