Dry Cleaning Bags Elwood

At Biogone we offer a range of landfill biodegradable dry cleaning bags perfect for your business.

Why You Need Garment Bags

Dry cleaning bags serve several important purposes when it comes to taking care of your garments.

Protection From Dust and Dirt

Dry cleaning bags act as a shield, safeguarding your clothes from dust, dirt, and other contaminants. They keep your garments clean and fresh, especially during storage or transportation.

Wrinkle Prevention

By providing a smooth surface and reducing friction, dry cleaning bags help minimise wrinkling. Your clothes will maintain their original shape and look well-pressed.

Moisture Protection

Dry cleaning bags offer a layer of defence against moisture and humidity. They prevent your clothes from coming into direct contact with damp environments, protecting them from potential damage like mildew or mould.

Easy Identification

Clear dry cleaning bags make it convenient to identify your clothes without having to remove them from the bag. This feature is particularly helpful when you have multiple items or want to organise your wardrobe.

Protection During Transportation

Whether you’re bringing your clothes home from the dry cleaners or travelling, dry cleaning bags provide an extra layer of protection. They prevent snagging, tearing, or other damage that could occur during handling or while packed in a suitcase.

Our Dry Cleaning Packaging Supplies in Elwood

Introducing our collection of soft plastic landfill biodegradable garment bags, available in various sizes, from short to extra long. These bags are the perfect solution for safeguarding garments of any size.

With their thoughtful design, each bag features sloped shoulders and hanger holes, to protect a wide range of garments, including suits and dresses.

Our rolls of wholesale bags are available in different quantities, ranging from 490 bags per roll to a generous 270 bags per roll. This ensures that you won’t find yourself running out of bags too quickly.

Crafted with utmost quality, our plastic dry bags are highly effective in keeping your clothes pristine, wrinkle-free and clean from dust and dirt.

To make the usage even more convenient, simply hang up each roll for easy dispensing.

Why Choose Landfill Biodegradable Garment Bags

Landfill-biodegradable plastic naturally biodegrades over time in a landfill environment.

Unlike traditional plastics that can persist in the environment for hundreds of years without breaking down, landfill-biodegradable plastics are engineered to biodegrade at a faster rate.

Landfill Biodegradable Dry Cleaning Bags At Biogone

At Biogone, we ensure that all our garment bags are made using high-quality landfill biodegradable plastic, so you’re not compromising on quality.

All our bags are easy to dispose of and do not leave behind microplastics, and they also biodegrade away 90% faster than conventional plastic bags.

Dry Cleaning Bags Near Me

Whether you are a Elwood dry cleaner, retail store or just wish to protect your clothes during a big move, our dry cleaning bags are perfect for you.

Shop our range of dry cleaning bags online for easy delivery. Feel free to get in touch with us for any questions or concerns.

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The logical choice for your everyday plastic products

We believe if single-use plastic must be used then it should be made to be recyclable or to biodegrade where it
will be disposed of – in a landfill, commercial or home compost facility.

The Logical
The Logical

Plastic Products

Home & Commercially
Compostable Products

Our Products

We offer the logical solution with landfill-biodegradable or home compostable everyday plastic products. Some of our
products are made from 100% recycled plastic, and others with plant based materials. They can be reused, most can be
recycled, and it all biodegrades into organic matter producing a natural fertiliser (and no microplastics).

Packaging, shipping
& Warehouse

Mailing Satchels

Kitchen & FOOD

Bin Liners

Dog Products

Resealable Bags

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Dry Cleaning

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Landfill-Biodegradable Explained

Biogone’s Promise

Champion environmental sustainability, by reducing the impact of every day plastic waste in landfill.

Drive product innovation through science and technology, in a fast moving and ever evolving plastic industry.

Through our work and innovation, we position ourselves as the logical choice, and category leader in landfill-biodegradable plastic.

In everything we do and communicate, we are committed to providing a solution to the waste sector and to the environment.

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