Landfill Biodegradable Gloves Collingwood – Disposable Gloves

At Biogone we offer a range of ready-to-wear nitrile disposable gloves available in Collingwood.

Nitrile gloves are disposable gloves commonly used in various industries, including laboratories, food handling, cleaning, and general safety applications.

Benefits Of Nitrile Gloves

There are many benefits to nitrile gloves compared to traditional latex gloves including;


Nitrile gloves are made from a synthetic rubber compound that is more resistant to punctures, tears, and abrasions than traditional gloves. They offer a high level of durability and protection, so there’s no need to add a second layer of gloves if you require additional protection when handling sharp or hazardous materials.


Nitrile gloves are an excellent alternative for individuals who are allergic to latex. They do not contain natural rubber latex proteins, making them perfect for those with latex sensitivities.

Chemical Resistance

Nitrile gloves offer resistance to a wide range of chemicals, including acids, bases, oils, solvents, and certain hazardous substances. They provide a reliable barrier for handling potentially harmful materials.

Puncture Resistance

Nitrile gloves are highly puncture-resistant compared to other types of disposable gloves, such as latex or vinyl. This quality makes them perfect for tasks that involve sharp objects or potentially contaminated materials.

Comfort And Flexibility

Nitrile gloves provide a snug and comfortable fit while allowing excellent dexterity and tactile sensitivity. They offer good grip and control, enabling users to handle objects with precision.


Nitrile gloves are used in various industries and applications, including laboratories, food handling and preparation, janitorial and cleaning services, automotive work, painting, and more.

Our Nitrile Gloves In Collingwood

Our nitrile gloves come in black, blue and green which allows you to better see any potential tears through the glove compared to traditional white gloves.

They are designed for your comfort with each pair having a second skin feel which allows you to touch items like your phone while wearing the gloves.

We offer a size range from small to large which is suitable when handling chemicals as they will provide a superior fit over a one-size-fits-all glove.

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We believe if single-use plastic must be used then it should be made to be recyclable or to biodegrade where it
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products are made from 100% recycled plastic, and others with plant based materials. They can be reused, most can be
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Champion environmental sustainability, by reducing the impact of every day plastic waste in landfill.

Drive product innovation through science and technology, in a fast moving and ever evolving plastic industry.

Through our work and innovation, we position ourselves as the logical choice, and category leader in landfill-biodegradable plastic.

In everything we do and communicate, we are committed to providing a solution to the waste sector and to the environment.

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