Kitchen Gloves For Cleaning

Everyone is concerned about taking good care of their hands, especially when it comes to protecting their sensitive skin while wearing gloves in the kitchen. Biogone offers reusable, eco-friendly kitchen cleaning gloves at the best prices online.

Browse our entire range of gloves online today to discover the perfect pair for all of your kitchen cleaning necessities.

Providing you with an extra layer of protection, choose Biogone gloves as your go-to kitchen necessity.

Our Reusable Biodegradable Kitchen Gloves For Cleaning

Our landfill-biodegradable reusable kitchen gloves come in three sizes and can be used multiple times. When you’re ready to dispose of them, simply throw them in the rubbish bin.

Landfill-biodegradable reusable kitchen hand gloves biodegrade approximately 90% faster than conventional plastic gloves in landfill, producing organic fertiliser and no microplastics.

What Are Kitchen Gloves Made Of?

Discover the ultimate reusable gloves for kitchen use – our nitrile kitchen gloves are not only eco-friendly but also provide the best grip for kitchen work, measuring 335mm in length.

Their bisque textured finish ensures an excellent hold, making them perfect for various tasks, including doing the dishes and scrubbing the stovetop or range hood.

When Should You Use Gloves In the Kitchen?

Our Biogone reusable gloves are perfect for cleaning up any kitchen mess, no matter the size:

Washing Dishes

Our reusable dishwashing gloves are most commonly used in the kitchen to protect your hands from hot water, soap, and grease when washing dishes by hand. This helps prevent dry, irritated, and soft skin.

Cleaning the Kitchen

These kitchen gloves are perfect for cleaning, wiping down surfaces, scrubbing, and handling cleaning agents. Biogone reusable gloves provide a protective barrier against harsh chemicals, keeping your hands safe and clean from dirt, grime, and other harmful substances.

Reusable Glove Features

We offer three sizes of reusable kitchen gloves with long sleeves and thick material: small, medium, and large. These features make Biogone gloves ideal for cleaning kitchens.

These green nitrile cleaning gloves are 335mm long and have a bisque textured finish grip, making them ideal for wet work, such as washing dishes or scrubbing the kitchen sink.

Biogone reusable kitchen gloves also protect against solvents and acids, making them ideal for scrubbing or any other cleaning task where you may come into contact with harsh chemicals. These super tough, tear-resistant gloves will keep your hands safe.

How To Store Reusable Hand Gloves For Kitchen Use

Properly storing reusable kitchen gloves is important for maintaining their cleanliness and extending their lifespan.

Follow our tips below to ensure your Biogone reusable kitchen gloves stay clean and durable:

  • Clean and dry: Always make sure your reusable kitchen gloves for cleaning are clean and completely dry before storing them. Damp or residue-laden gloves can lead to mould or mildew growth.
  • Hang or air dry: After use, hang or lay your kitchen gloves flat in a well-ventilated area to air dry completely. Avoid folding or stacking them while damp, as this can trap moisture and promote bacterial growth.
  • Store in a clean, dry place: Store your gloves in a clean, dry, and cool place. Avoid direct sunlight as these can damage the gloves.

By following these storage tips, you can keep your reusable kitchen gloves clean, hygienic, and durable for an extended period, ensuring effective protection during your kitchen tasks.

Buy Reusable Kitchen Hand Gloves Online at Biogone

Looking for kitchen hand gloves online that don’t smell or the best disposable kitchen gloves near you? Featuring durable tear-resistant technology, our selection of gloves is versatile and suitable for various kitchen cleaning tasks.

Our biodegradable gloves protect your hands from harmful cleaners and are ideal for a variety of uses and industries. Explore our complete Biogone range today.

For more information on our gloves – visit our website, email us at or call 03 9676 9518.

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The logical choice for your everyday plastic products

We believe if single-use plastic must be used then it should be made to be recyclable or to biodegrade where it
will be disposed of – in a landfill, commercial or home compost facility.

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We offer the logical solution with landfill-biodegradable or home compostable everyday plastic products. Some of our
products are made from 100% recycled plastic, and others with plant based materials. They can be reused, most can be
recycled, and it all biodegrades into organic matter producing a natural fertiliser (and no microplastics).

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Landfill-Biodegradable Explained

Biogone’s Promise

Champion environmental sustainability, by reducing the impact of every day plastic waste in landfill.

Drive product innovation through science and technology, in a fast moving and ever evolving plastic industry.

Through our work and innovation, we position ourselves as the logical choice, and category leader in landfill-biodegradable plastic.

In everything we do and communicate, we are committed to providing a solution to the waste sector and to the environment.

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