Reusable Cleaning Gloves

Everyone cleans, so if you want the best reusable cleaning gloves to protect your sensitive hands from household cleaning solutions, choose Biogone’s biodegradable reusable gloves.

Browse our complete range of cleaning gloves online today to find the perfect pair for any type of cleaning task.

Providing you with an extra layer of protection, choose Biogone gloves as your go-to cleaning necessity.

Our Reusable Biodegradable Cleaning Gloves

Our landfill-biodegradable reusable cleaning gloves come in three sizes and can be used multiple times. When you are ready to dispose of them, you can throw them in the rubbish bin and they will biodegrade 90% faster than conventional nitrile reusable gloves. Landfill-biodegradable reusable gloves biodegrade much faster than conventional plastic gloves in landfills, producing natural fertiliser and no microplastics.

What Can I Use Biogone Reusable Cleaning Gloves For?

Our Biogone reusable gloves are perfect for cleaning up any household  mess, no matter the size:


Reusable dishwashing gloves are most commonly used to protect your hands from hot water, soap, and grease while washing your dishes by hand. This helps to prevent dryness, irritation, and the softening of skin.

Household Cleaning

These are the best gloves for household cleaning and can be used for a variety of cleaning tasks, such as wiping down surfaces, scrubbing, and handling cleaning agents. They provide a barrier against harsh chemicals and prevent your hands from coming into direct contact with dirt, grime, and other potentially harmful substances.

Bathroom Cleaning

Our reusable gloves are essential when cleaning bathrooms to protect your hands from exposure to harsh chemicals, such as toilet bowl cleaners, bleach, and other strong disinfectants.

Reusable Glove Features

We have three cleaning glove sizes – for small hands, medium and large, and with long sleeves and reusable thick material, these make our Biogone reusable gloves the best for household cleaning.

These green gloves for cleaning are made of nitrile and are 335mm long. With a bisque textured finish grip, this makes them ideal for wet work, such as doing the dishes or cleaning the bathroom.

These cleaning gloves also provide chemical protection against solvents and acids, making them suitable for scrubbing or any other cleaning task where you may be exposed to strong chemicals. The gloves are super tough and tear-resistant, so you can be confident that our Biogone reusable gloves will protect your hands.

Shop Biogone Glove Australia Range Today

If you’ve been searching for reusable cleaning gloves that don’t smell or the best disposable gloves ‘near me’ then make sure to check out our entire Biogone glove range collection. Our biodegradable gloves shield the hands from harmful cleaners and are ideal across a multitude of uses and industries.

With tough tear-resistant technology, our range of gloves can used for a variety of tasks such as food handling, scrubbing, cleaning, washing and gardening. Shop our entire Biogone range today.

For more information, visit our website, email us at or call 03 9676 9518.

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The logical choice for your everyday plastic products

We believe if single-use plastic must be used then it should be made to be recyclable or to biodegrade where it
will be disposed of – in a landfill, commercial or home compost facility.

The Logical
The Logical

Plastic Products

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Compostable Products

Our Products

We offer the logical solution with landfill-biodegradable or home compostable everyday plastic products. Some of our
products are made from 100% recycled plastic, and others with plant based materials. They can be reused, most can be
recycled, and it all biodegrades into organic matter producing a natural fertiliser (and no microplastics).

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Landfill-Biodegradable Explained

Biogone’s Promise

Champion environmental sustainability, by reducing the impact of every day plastic waste in landfill.

Drive product innovation through science and technology, in a fast moving and ever evolving plastic industry.

Through our work and innovation, we position ourselves as the logical choice, and category leader in landfill-biodegradable plastic.

In everything we do and communicate, we are committed to providing a solution to the waste sector and to the environment.

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